Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wednesday 5.28.14

1. Amrap in 20
Row 500/350m (girls)
Max Push Press 185/115

and since none of us did it yesterday

2.  Clean Complex
A.  Work up to a heavy set of: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
B.  5×1 Squat Clean, with the same weight you were able to get above

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuesday 5.27.14

Awww shit, here it comes

1. For Time
100 Double Unders, followed by:

3 RFT:
15 Deads, 225/155
Followed by:  100 Double Unders
2.  Clean Complex
A.  Work up to a heavy set of: Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
B.  5×1 Squat Clean, with the same weight you were able to get above

3. Shoulder Press