What is The Superfast Exercisers Club?
The SEC is comprised of CrossFitters within and without the CrossFit Breaux Bridge Community who are interested in taking their CrossFit performance to the next level. Please note that the programming for the SEC goes well beyond what I, and CrossFit, would deem to be essential to the well-rounded, functional, elite fitness that CrossFit provides. You do not need to do advanced programming to be extremely fit. Please be aware that competitive programming, by definition, will push your limits in all ten general physical skills required of optimal physical competence:

1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – the ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen 

2. Stamina – the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy. 

3. Strength – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units to apply force. 

4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint. 

5. Power – the ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time. 

6. Speed – the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement. 

7. Coordination – the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movements. 

8. Agility – the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another. 

9. Balance – the ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base. 

10. Accuracy – the ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

In the SEC the risk of injury is elevated, the risk of under-recovery exists, and the need for excellent technique is magnified. It is my advice that these work outs be performed under the watchful eye of a qualified coach. Eventually there will be an opportunity for remote coaching for those who do not have the luxury of being critiqued and guided by a local coach. Video uploads of your performances are recommended and you can link to them in the comments where you will post your daily performance measures.

Who programs for The Superfast Exercisers Club?
I'm Josh Trahan, owner and Head Trainer of CrossFit Breaux Bridge in the city of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. I have been coaching/CrossFitting for over 2 years but have been study ng strength and conditioning and training athletes for over 13 years. After 1 year of CrossFit I qualified for and competed in the 2013 CrossFit South Central Regional Games finishing in 30th place and and looking forward to bettering that performance in 2014. This site is dedicated to bringing you with me.

Why the SEC?
As CrossFit continues to increase in popularity, and CrossFitters continue to push out the former limits of human capacity, the risk of what Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell calls "accommodation" increases. This simply means that your progress has begun to level off merely sticking to your gym's Daily Programming. What this really means, if you gym programs well, is that you are extremely fit. While nothing further is necessary for facing the overwhelming majority of life's demands, some of us are looking to extend our capacities to absolute frontier of our genetic potential. Welcome to the SEC!

Why does this site look like Ben's from CrossFit New England and why not just follow him?
This site looks like his because I like his. Also because that is where I learned. If imitation is the truest form of flattery, then here you go. However, every gym is different, every coach has slightly differing philosophies, and every climate is relative. This is competition programming designed around local factors like weather, time, equipment availability, and terrain. We can not do a mountain run. We can not do an ocean swim. We will not run a 5k during a lightning storm

Who is this blog for?
Anyone can use it - FREE!  It is intended for those hoping to qualify for CrossFit Regionals and The Games and will be periodized as such.

Is all this work supposed to be completed in one training session?
If the day's prescribed work is supposed to be done in multiple training sessions it will be noted. Of course you must do what you must do. 

What is the difference between "Beasts" and "Ninjas"?
Beasts are those that excel at strength movements.  Think Khalipia.
Ninjas are those that excel at bodyweight movements.  Think Speal.

What if you are neither a Beast or a Ninja?
Pick one, or pick both and scale up, or pick neither - your call.

What is a goat?
Goats are weaknesses.  If you want to compete in this sport, you MUST work on them.

What does "OTM" mean?
On The Minute.  Complete the work, and rest the remaining time.  At the start of the next minute go again.

When it says "clean" is that a squat clean or power clean?
If Power or Squat is not specifically prescribed it is squat.

What should you do for a warm up?
The warm up serves several different purposes and should include a general warm up, mobility work and specific warm up.  Here is a suggestion, tweak as needed but create something that is inclusive and individualized.
GENERAL Warm up:
2 Rounds not for time of:
200m Run or Row
15 Hip Extensions
10 Strict Pull ups
10 Push ups or Strict Ring Dips
10 Reverse Lunge Reach (alternating Samson Stretch)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC OHS or Wall Facing Squats
10 Band Pull Aparts
Choose one of the following or something else that works for your.
Hip Opener
Mobility WOD
This should be specific to the movements of the training session.  Examples include:
Burgener Warm up
Running or Rowing Drills
Gymnastic Progressions

What is the suggested cool down?
5 mins of very easy rowing and 5-10 minutes of foam rolling after every session.

What does "across" and "climbing" mean?
Always Climbing unless it says across.
Across - do the same weight for all sets. 
Climbing - add weight every set.

What is the difference between "5x3" and "3x5"?
On this site we write the programming as sets x reps, so 5x3 means do 5 sets of 3 reps.

What does Unbroken mean?
Just what it sounds like.  You must complete the set without stopping.  If you rest or stop during a set, you must repeat the entire set starting from rep one.

What does "TnG" mean?
"Touch and Go."  No dropping, no resting at the bottom. 

What is a Giant set?
These are not for time, but each movement is done back to back with no rest.  Focus on quality of movement above all else.  Usually you can rest as needed between rounds unless otherwise stated. 

What is a "Burner"?
Burners are all out efforts and one of the best ways to build metcon quickly.  Burners should be done with fast cycle times and no transitions.  "Helen" and "Christine" are examples of some longer, but well programmed Burners.  
Here are some characteristics of a well programmed Burner:
Straight Sets - if you are breaking or stopping during the workout you are not achieving the desired goal.  Shorten up the reps or lighten the load.
Light Weight  - if you are thinking about the weight or having to pause before picking up the weight you are going too heavy and not going to get the desired stimulus  (Increasing cycle times and metabolic conditioning).
Short Time Domain - These WODs should be 2 to 6 minutes.  We don't exercise in one energetic pathway, but we are trying to max out the Glycolytic Pathway.  Think about a max effort 800m Run or 1k Row.  
No Pre WOD Stress - These are wods that you should be able to jump into without a lot of physical or emotional preparation or stress. For this reason, I usually don't use benchmarks for Burners - too much emotional stress.  
NO DOMS - There should not be any excessive soreness from properly programmed Burners.  We are looking to build you up with these not break you down in anyway.  For that reason I wouldn't classify "Fran" as a Burner. 

What exactly is meant by light, moderate, heavy and max loads?
LIGHT:  This is technique work.  In terms of "threshold training" (the balance of technique vs. intensity) this is all about technique and no intensity.  Think "practice" not "training".  Light loads should be about 60% of 1RM.
MODERATE: These loads are heavy enough to provide a response, but light enough that you can look pretty hitting every rep.  In terms of "threshold training" this is near the tipping point of technique and intensity, but just a  little more heavily weighted towards the technique side.  Somewhere around 70-80% of 1RM.
HEAVY: This is heavy enough that you have to think about the weight, but you shouldn't be missing reps. This is "Threshold Training," where you are training equal parts technique and intensity.  Heavy loads should be somewhere around 80-95% of 1RM.
MAX: These are all out efforts.  95-105% of 1RM.  

What is a working set?
A working set is a set that actually requires significant effort. Percentages will vary based on number of reps. Work your way up to a weight that requires enough effort to stimulate a response, aka you should need a minute or two before doing the next set.

Where should I send pictures or video for the site?
I want to post pics and video of you guys training.  Send pictures and vimeo or youtube links to crossfitbreauxbridge@gmail.com

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