Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday 6.3.14

1.  “Heartbreak Kid”
3 RFT:
10 Front Squats, 185/135
20 C2B Pull ups
50 Double unders
2. C2B Accessory Work
7 sets of the following pull up complex:
Guys: 3 Strict C2B Pull ups + 3 Strict Pull ups + 3 Kipping C2B
Girls: 2 Strict C2B Pull ups + 2 Strict Pull ups + 2 Kipping C2B
3. Skills10×35 unbroken Double unders for time


  1. 1. 9:34 (115lb FS, 15 CTB)
    2. 7x3 Strict Pull-ups, hands were sore from CTB
    3. :19, :20, :24, :19, :25, :22, :19, :22, :22, :20
