Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday 2.16.14

Superfast has moved to an undisclosed location for our paying members and coaches for the remainder of the open season. You may request/purchase access at if you have been seeing results from this programming and do not wish to stop, or if you just want to see how real ballers train. Planning to be back online after we have dominated.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Saturday 2.15.14

Train Like It's the Open
In the WoD's I coach you guys to turn the fuck up as you approach the end. Well this whole training season has been one big ass WoD and guess where we are.....

1. Three sets of:
Row 500 Meters @ 85-90%
Rest 2 minutes

2. Rowing "Double Pyramid Helen" from 2010 Games
For time:
Row 2000 Meters
63 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
36 Pull-Ups
Row 1000 Meters
48 Kettlebell Swings
24 Pull-Ups
Row 500 Meters
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-Ups

Some Scores to beat

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday 2.14.14

Hope you ain't backin off right now!!!

1. AMRAP in 4
185lb. Hang Squat Clean x 5 reps
Burpees x 5 reps

rest exactly 3 minutes then:

2. AMRAP in 6
155lb. Overhead Squat x 4 reps
Ring Dips from Muscle-Ups Station x 12 reps

(take the OHS weight from the floor)

rest exactly 3 minutes then:

3. Row 
Max Calories in 8 minutes.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wednesday 2.12.14

Bear Face. On.

1. Perform the following three events against a running clock:
21 -15 – 9 of:
Thrusters (95 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

When the clock reaches 8:00…

Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts (365lbs)
10 Burpees box Jump Overs (24")

When the clock reaches 16:00…

For time:
30 squat Clean & Jerk (155lbslbs)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tuesday 2.11.14

Train Like It's the Open

1. Build to a heavy-ish Clean & Jerk in 6-8 attempts.

2. AMRAP in 6
(155lb.) Hang Power Clean x 3 reps
(155lb.) Front Squat x 6 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x 9 reps

rest exactly 4 minutes then:

3. AMRAP in 6
10 Toes to Bar
15 Hand-Release Push-Ups
20 Wallball Shots (30lb.)

rest exactly 4 minutes then:

4. AMRAP in 6
30 Double-Unders
20 Air Squats

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monday 2.10.14

Here We Go Baby
Balls to the Wall
Turn Up

1. Build to a heavy-ish Snatch in 6-8 attempts.

2. EMOM for 12
Snatch with 3 second hold x 1 rep @ 75%
Perform a snatch focusing on perfect speed and mechanics, receive at the bottom of your overhead squat and hold their for 3 full seconds before standing up with the load.

3. Four sets of:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps
Rest 4 minutes

4. Three sets for max calories:
Airdyne 3 minutes
Rest 5 minutes

Friday, February 7, 2014

Saturday 2.8.14

                               Train Like It's the Open

1. Three sets not for time, of:
15' Rope Climb x 3 ascents
L-Sit x 45-60 seconds
Handstand Walk x 15-20 Meters

2. At 3,2,1,GO perform the following:
For time:
95 lb Thrusters x 25 reps
8 Muscle-Ups
95 lb Thrusters x 20 reps
6 Muscle-Ups
95 lb Thrusters x 15 reps
4 Muscle-Ups
95 lb Thrusters x 10 reps
2 Muscle-Ups

At 10:00 minutes on the running clock, perform the following:

Three rounds for time of:
95 lb Hang Power Snatch x 20 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps

At 20:00 minutes on the running clock, perform the following:

Three rounds for time of:
95 lb Push Press x 20 reps
95 lb Barbell Walking Lunges x 20 reps
(barbell can be back racked)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday 2.7.14

Train Like It's the Open

1. Clean & Jerk
20 minutes to Find todays max

2. AMRAP in 30
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
Run 400 Meters
2 Rope Climbs (legless from seated)
15-Meter Handstand Walk
Row 500 Meters
5 Wall Climbs

I gotta get the damn ropes outta damn storage damnit.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wednesday 2.5.14

Train Like It's the Open Everyday

1. Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 3-7 reps
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12-15 rep

2. Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 65%

Here's a good example of how I would like to see these on
generating as much speed and power as possible once the barbell is
separated from the floor. Reset the barbell every time on the
not perform these touch and go.  

3. For time:
Run 1600 Meters
100 Wallball Shots (30lb.)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday 2.4.14

Train Like It's the Open

1. Three Rounds not for Time
10 Strict TTB   2121
60-90 sec nose to wall HS hold
10 Glute Ham Raises

2. Work up to a heavy ish snatch.

3. For Time
5 Rounds
3 Snatching Bear Complex 165/105
7 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24

rest 5 min

5 Rounds
3 Snatching Bear Complex 165/105
7 Burpee Box Jumps 30/24

note time and immediately perform 25 Triple Unders, then 50 Double Unders

Snatching Bear = Power snatch + Hang squat snatch + OHS + Behind the neck Snatch Push Press

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Monday 2.3.14

Train Like It's the Open
sign up today for the open

1. Since no one did all of last week, make up what you missed today.