Monday, September 30, 2013

Tuesday 10.1.13

Have faith, we are well connected.

1. For Inches
Max Height Pistol Box Jump
Score for right and left. Stand next to the box, jump laterally, don't hurt yourself

2. Deadlift
1 RM

3. Pullups
3 x max reps strict
Rest as needed, and let your grip recover before the next part

4. For Time
3 rounds
25 KB Swings 70/53
25 Pushups

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monday 9.30.13

Hope you guys are rested and ready to rock. Also feel free to leave me notes when you record your scores. Helps me know what's going on. How you're feeling, or if you're hurting.

1. For Time
Row 500m
Rest 1:30
Row 400m
Rest 1:00
Row 300m
Rest :30
Row 200m

2. Snatch Ladder
Guys:  start at 135
Girls:  start at 95
Add 10# every minute until you fail.  Take as many attempts as needed within the minute.  Once you fail rest 2-3 minutes before backing off 20# and hit three more singles.

3. Clean & Jerk
Take 15 minutes to find max 4 the day

4. For Time
50 Thrusters 95/65
50 TTB

Friday, September 27, 2013

Saturday 9.27.13

1. For Time
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
1 mile Run
10 Rope Climbs
1 mile Run
100 Burpees

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday 9.26.13

1.  Deadlift
Heavier each set

2.  Odd Objects/Movements
3 Rounds
A. From the Superfast squat rack walk to the door and back to the rack with weight in the highbar back squat position. (post weights used, go up if you can. HEAVY)
B. 5 Stone to Shoulders / Tire Flips if you can't do the stone

3.  For Time
Run 400m
7 Rounds
7 Snatch 115/95
Run 400m

4.  Skills
Max Double Unders in 2 min
Rest 6:00
Max Double Unders in 1 min

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday 9.25.13

1. Active Sherm

20-45 minute light movement followed by stretching. This will place you ahead of the game for tomorrow.

Wednesday 9.25.13

You will not be seeing percentages as often moving forward. Learn to use this chart. This does not apply to complexes like 1 and 2 below. For complexes you need to let go of your ego and do the heaviest possible wight you can do with good technique. For strength lifts however it is useful. ie squats deadlifts presses, jerks, full snatch, and full clean. The way I use this chart for example is suppose we were doing 10 x 1 squats. That's 10 total. I will look at the chart all the way on the right. We see that ten is only in the bottom 2 columns, the 80-90% and the 90+. Then I will ask myself is this a lift where my form and technique is rock solid and I just need to strengthen it, or am I struggling with form. If it is something I'm solid at, I'm looking at the higher percentage option (90+). If it is something I am struggling with, the lower (80-90.) I will help you guys get familiar with this as we go but don't get too caught up in it. It is pretty much what you would do anyway even without seeing it written out but it can be helpful if you aren't sure.

1. Snatch Complex
7x1 Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch (3 second pause at bottom of catch) + Snatch Balance
Rest 1:30

2. C&J Complex
OTM x 6
6x1 Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

3. Box Squats click it
Watch the part on box squats. He mentions the type where you completely rest on the box disengaging the hip flexors only and breaking up the eccentric/concentric chain. That's what I want. Don't rock, just let the "quads" relax before returning to standing. Practice light first. box height should be just slightly below parallel. Think a 12 incher with a plate.

4. Gymnastic Skill
3 Rounds not for time
10 Strict ring dips
10 Strict parallel ring rows
10 Strict GHD situps

5. For Time
"Ricky Rozay"
3 Rft
Run 800m
15 Lateral Box Jump Overs 24/20

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tuesday 9.24.13

1.  Bounding
6 x 4 Facing Hurdle Hops 
use four boxes with a weight and a pvc sticking off the edge. Face and jump off two feet tover all four without stopping

2.  Sumo Deadlift
5 RM

3.  Thrusters
20 rep max

4. Each for Time
Row 500
Rest 90 sec
Row 500
Rest 6 min
Row 500
Rest 90 sec
Row 500

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday 9.23.13

1. Snatch 
1-1-1-1-1 @ 90%

2.  Clean and Jerk Complex
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk

3.  OTM Pause Front Squats
10 x 1 Heavy
Absolute bottom for 3 seconds

4.  Handstand Walk
record number of attempts required

5. For Time
Comp Fit Test (Compare to 130617)
2 Rft
Run 400m
40 Squats 95/65
30 TTB
10 Muscle-Ups 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Saturday 9.21.13

This is it...

1. Snatch

2. Clean & Jerk

3. Back Squat

4. Ab work of choice

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday 9.20.13

The plan is to max Saturday. Gym should be open by 8am. I want you to take your time. If you can't make it Saturday, max today. Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Back Squat. This cycle put 20lbs on my snatch. Who's with me? 

1. Snatch
1-1-1-1-1 @ 60%

2. Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1 @ 60%

3. Mobility
Everything you need to

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday 9.18.13

1. Aerobic Restoration
Jog/walk, swim, row 20 minutes light. 

2. Mobility
Work your trouble spots

3. Sherm
Physiologically, rest allows the body to learn from and adapt to the recent physical stress, repair muscles, rebuild, and be stronger and better adapted for the next WOD. In CrossFit we believe that in relative intensity and work to dial in our athletes' workouts to an intensity level that hovers in the "hard but doable" realm. The result is an adaptation that continuously tips the athlete toward stronger, more skilled, and faster. The crazy part is that this adaptation takes place during the rest and recovery period, not during the workout! Too much intensity or too little recovery blunts the adaptation creating an athlete that is headed toward plateau rather than continuous improvement. 

2. Write a Sonnet
Prosody a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 
14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain 
definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the 
octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into quatrains followed by a couplet.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wednesday 9.17.13

Do this, but don't wear this.

1. For time
3 Rounds
30 Double unders
20 Burpees
10 L-Pullups

2. Snatch 
1-1-1-1-1 @ 70%

3. Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1 @ 70%

4. Accumulate 3 minutes
Nose to wall handstand holds

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tuesday 9.17.13

Ready to Max?

1. For Time
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps 30/24

2. Snatch
1-1 @ 70%
1-1 @ 75%
1-1 @ 80%

3. Clean & Jerk
1-1 @ 70%
1-1 @ 75%
1-1 @ 80%

4. For Time
Max 500m row

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday 9.16.13

We will be maxing Saturday. Focus on your recovery this week. Sleep, nutrition, mobility.

1. For Reps
3 x Max Reps Strict TTB

2. Snatch
1-1-1-1-1 @ 75%

3. Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1 @ 75%

4. Back Squat
1 @ 90%
1 @ 93%
1 @ 95%

Friday, September 13, 2013

Saturday 9.14.13

If you want to come to CFBB to do your heavy work you may at around 7:30 or CrossFit Big Cat has offered to allow us to begin showing up there as early as 8:30 to complete that work there.

1. For Time
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps 24/20
5 Overhead Squats 95/65

2. Snatch
Heavy Single

3. Clean & Jerk
Heavy Single

4. For Time
Team WoD at Big Cat

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday 9.13.13

Tomorrows conditioning piece will be the Partner WoD at Big Cat. Be there or be square. The box will be available from 7:30-9:30 if you want to get your Oly portion completed prior to heading to Laffy. This way we can carpool. Or motorcyclepool. 

1. For Time
20 Muscle-ups

2. Snatch
1-1-1-1-1-1 @ 70%
2 min between sets

3. Clean & Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1 @ 70%
2 min between sets

4. Squat
2-2-2-2 @ 70%
2 min between sets

5. For Time
2 Rounds of each couplet for time:
10 Deadlifts 275/155
Row 750
25 GHD situps

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thursday 9.12.13

1. Sherm

Physiologically, rest allows the body to learn from and adapt to the recent physical stress, repair muscles, rebuild, and be stronger and better adapted for the next WOD. In CrossFit we believe that in relative intensity and work to dial in our athletes' workouts to an intensity level that hovers in the "hard but doable" realm. The result is an adaptation that continuously tips the athlete toward stronger, more skilled, and faster. The crazy part is that this adaptation takes place during the rest and recovery period, not during the workout! Too much intensity or too little recovery blunts the adaptation creating an athlete that is headed toward plateau rather than continuous improvement. 

2. Write a Sonnet

Prosody a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 
14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain 
definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the 
octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into quatrains followed by a couplet.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wednesday 9.11.13

Dude is so fit

1. EMOM in 10
Odd: 5 KB Push Press 70/53 (1 in each Hand)
Even: 10 Alternating KB Snatch 70/53

2. Snatch
2-2-2 @ 70%

3. Clean & Jerk
2-2-2 @ 70%

4. Front Squat
2-2-2-2 @ 80%

5. For Time
10 Rounds
Thrusters 115/75
10 Pull-ups
100m Sprint
*rest 1 minute between rounds

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tuesday 9.10.13

1. For Time and Reps
Run 400m
Max reps chest to bar
Run 400m
Max rep pullups

2. Snatch
2-2-2-2 @ 65%

3. Clean & Jerk
2-2-2-2 @ 65%

4. Snatch Balance
3-3-3-3 @ 75%

5. For Meters

8 Rounds
Row 30 seconds for meters
Rest 2:30
***record all rounds

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Monday 9.9.13

1. Snatch
2-2-2-2 @ 70%

2. Squat
2-2-2-2 @ 80%

3. EMOM in 6
Odd: 10 GHR's
Even: 15 GHD situps
glute ham raises

4. AMRAP in 20
"American Dream" continue as high as possible, alternating between:
Power Clean, 205/145
Muscle up

Friday, September 6, 2013

Saturday 9.7.13

Ok Jude, you have conclusively won the d*&k measuring contest. Now Overhead Squat it.

1. Snatch
Heavy Single
this is not a max. if you are missing it's too heavy. It's better to stop at a heavy good rep and not train your body what it feels like to miss. Half of weightlifting is confidence.

2. Clean and Jerk
Heavy Single

3. For Time
For time:
20 Deadlifts 315/225
30 Box Jump-Overs 24/20
40 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
50 Double-Unders
50/30 Calorie Row
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jump-Overs
20 Deadlifts
***DO NOT hurt your back

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Friday 9.6.13

Is this one of y'alls? If nobody claims it, it's going in the lost & found. Yes we have a lost & found.

Longish day today. I will be in early to help with Snatch. We have a couple weeks left on this cycle. Stay intense and then we will be switching gears. Maxes are coming.

1. Snatch
1-1-1-1 @ 80%

2. For Time
Chest to Bar

3. Snatch Pull off Riser
3-3-3-3 @ 90%

4. Snatch Push Press
3-3-3 @ 89%

5. Back Squat
2-2-2-2 @ 87%

6. For Calories
Row 4 minutes

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thursday 9.5.13

1. Sherm

Physiologically, rest allows the body to learn from and adapt to the recent physical stress, repair muscles, rebuild, and be stronger and better adapted for the next WOD. In CrossFit we believe that in relative intensity and work to dial in our athletes' workouts to an intensity level that hovers in the "hard but doable" realm. The result is an adaptation that continuously tips the athlete toward stronger, more skilled, and faster. The crazy part is that this adaptation takes place during the rest and recovery period, not during the workout! Too much intensity or too little recovery blunts the adaptation creating an athlete that is headed toward plateau rather than continuous improvement. 

2. Write a Sonnet

Prosody a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 
14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain 
definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the 
octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into quatrains followed by a couplet.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wednesday 9.4.13

Check the main site for details

1. AMRAP in 3 Minutes
5 Pushups
1 Bar MU

2. Clean
2-2-2-2 @ 75%

3. Snatch Balance
3-3-3-3 @ 83%

4. For 16 minutes, rotate through the following four stations on the minute:
A. 10 KB Swings 70/53
B. 10 Wall Balls 30/20
C. 3 Push Press @ 90% use a rack
D. 5 Muscle-ups

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tuesday 9.3.13

Original photo. If you didn't do Hot Shots 19 yesterday, don't make it up.

Bear Fact #20 A swimming polar bear can jump 8 ft. (2.4 m) out of the water to surprise a seal.

1. For Time
3 Rounds
20 Double Unders
5 Burpees
3 Box Jumps 34/30

2. Pause Snatch
2-2-2-2 @ 75%
if you have a new max now use it. This is squat snatch. With a hook grip. And a full 2 second pause upon receiving the bar.

3. Jerk
3-3 @ 84%
2-2 @ 84%

4. Clean Pull off Riser
3-3-3 @ 90%

5. Back Squat
2-2-2-2 @ 90%

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday 9.1.13

1. Sherm
Physiologically, rest allows the body to learn from and adapt to the recent physical stress, repair muscles, rebuild, and be stronger and better adapted for the next WOD. In CrossFit we believe that in relative intensity and work to dial in our athletes' workouts to an intensity level that hovers in the "hard but doable" realm. The result is an adaptation that continuously tips the athlete toward stronger, more skilled, and faster. The crazy part is that this adaptation takes place during the rest and recovery period, not during the workout! Too much intensity or too little recovery blunts the adaptation creating an athlete that is headed toward plateau rather than continuous improvement.