Monday, January 27, 2014

Tuesday 1.28.14

Train Like It's the Open

We are closed for business today but some of the coaches will likely train. Just text if you wnt to try to get together.

1. Three sets, not for time, of:
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 60-90 seconds
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Sotts Press x 5 reps

2. Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep

Approximate loading % per set: 55, 60-65, 65-70, 70-75, 75-80, 80-85, 85-90, 90-95, 95+, 95+ 

3. Four rounds for time of:
115 lb Power Snatch x 10 reps
115 lb Overhead Squat x 10 reps

4. Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:

6 Box Jump-Overs (24″)
12 Push-Ups
Box jump-over – simply get to the other side, you can either land on top and then off the other side, or clear it in one leap.


  1. Love having a home Crossfit gym especially when we have weather conditions like today.
    1. Done
    2. 55/55/60/60/65/65/70/75/80/f85
    3. 8:38 with 60#
    4. Done with 20" box

  2. 1. Done
    2. 75-85-95-105-115-120-125-130-135-140...145 PR
    3. 9:36 @ 85lb (Break to put on wrist wraps)
    4. Done (Push-ups on 12" box to work on speed at full reps)
