Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wednesday 1.15.14

Train Like It's the Open

1. Not for Time
3 rounds
Handstand Walk x 15 Meters
L-Sit x 30-35 seconds
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
(work on speed and efficiency)

2. Build to a heavy-ish Deadlift x 3 reps
Not proving anything here, just getting yourself prepared for the next section.

3. Three rounds for time:
365 lb Deadlift x 3 reps
Muscle-Ups x 7 reps
Be smart here. If these loads are too heavy for you, scale to a load that is heavy, but manageable for 3 reps

4. For Max Reps:
2 Minutes of Rowing for Calories
2 Minutes of Handstand Push-Ups
2 Minutes of Wall Ball Shots (30 lb)
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .

For Max Reps:
2 Minutes of Rowing for Calories
2 Minutes of Double-Unders
2 Minutes of Ring Dips


  1. 1. Done butterfly from box into jumping butterfly
    2. To 195
    3. 11:16 deads at 185 banded bar MU
    4. 57 then 100. Struggled with HSPUs shoulders burnt out

  2. 1. Done
    2. 205
    3. 16:27 w/ 205lb DL
    4. 33, 26, 20 and 32, 79, 19
