Y'all good? Good.
Ok, so here's the plan for Superfast now that Ragin is over. This program will be solely focused on peaking for the open. You are welcome to find any other local comps to participate in, but I will not be peaking the program for those events. You're programming will begin to resemble the programming I have been on more and more. There will begin to be parts of the program with directions for you to fill them in with your choice of movements. So I may specify "Upper body pulls" and give you some options. My recommendation is that you choose your weaknesses as often as possible. I will let you know if it is to be a conditioning piece, strength piece, or skill/technique piece. Most often you will know by the rep scheme, ie "for max reps" would be conditioning, "for max load" strength, and "for form/technique/fluidity/flare/pizzazz, or any of an unlimited number of other adjectives I may find myself inclined to write" would mean skill/technique. Some of the nomenclature may be foreign to you. This is why Jesus created google. When I just "make some shit up," I'll give detailed instructions which I'm sure at least one of you will find a highly creative way to screw up. Here is the deal with Superfast programming. I don't think there is anything better out there for you guys. If I did, I would just tell you to follow that. I know a little bit about what I'm doing and anything I don't know I will find out for you. Trust the program, be detailed in your logging, talk to me about issues, and give your all. I will help you become the best athlete you are capable of being. I can't promise what that will end up looking like, but it doesn't really matter if it's your best. That's the goal here.
On a side note, some of you still have mobility restrictions/technical issues. If I tell you that you need to drop the weight until you are doing it correctly there is a reason. One is injury. The other is that you are spinning your wheels until it's dealt with. Either way, to improve, you will have to do what I'm telling you to do. I'm just asking you to do it now instead of a year from now or instead of being embarrassed at a comp when everything you do is "no repped."
FIX YOUR POSITIONS. This is mobility. You will never have a good snatch without a strong/deep overhead squat. And you will never have a strong/deep overhead squat without mobility. Etcetera.
FIX YOUR TECHNIQUE. Just because you have managed to get 200 lbs above your head some kind of way doesn't mean you've ever snatched 200lbs. Does it count even if it's horrendous? In a competition, yes. To me? No. Every bad rep in an "unrep." Takes 2 good ones to unlearn it. If I tell you your squat is fucked it should be your primary purpose every single time you do a squat to do it correctly. If you have a "limiting" mobility issue, you should be working on that every day.
This week is a test week. These are workouts that give me information on what we are starting with. The only type of effort I can get info from is full effort. DO NOT DO EXTRA SHIT. If you miss one, then you've failed at life.
1. Ten Minute Capacity Test
For Max Reps (or Calories):4 minutes of Rowing (for Calories)
Rest 60 seconds
3 Minutes of Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Bodyweight Back Squat
Rest 60 seconds
1 Minute of 135 lb. Shoulder to Overhead
(the barbell must originate from the ground to begin your set - you may not use a rack at any point during this 60 seconds)
1. 93 calories
ReplyDelete2. 54 pull-ups
3. 25 squats @ 210#
4. 21 s2o
64 calories
ReplyDelete56 pull-ups
20 BS @ 135lb
15 STO (@ 95lb)
55 cal row
ReplyDelete55 pullups using sm band
13 BS at 135#
12 S2O at 80#
Total reps/cal =135 humidity was stifling n felt like I couldn't breathe!
1. 84 calories
ReplyDelete2. 54 PUs
3. 22 Squats @ 185#
4. 5 S2O…this makes me sad :(
57 cal
ReplyDelete27 pull-ups
5 back squats @135
13 s2o at 95