Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wednesday 11.20.13

1. In exactly only 20 min
Find Max Snatch

2. In exactly only 15 minutes
Find Max Clean and Jerk

3. Rest exactly 10 minutes after #2

4. Against an 8-minute running clock, perform the following, in order:

Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65

and then, using the same barbell, build the barbell and establish a 1-RM Clean & Jerk in the remainder of the 8 minutes.

TWO SCORES – You must post two scores; (1) time to complete “Fran”, and
(2) heaviest successful clean & jerk within the 8 minute period.

TOTAL SCORE – Your total score will be your 1-RM Clean & Jerk in lbs,
MINUS 1 lb for every second over 2 minutes it takes to complete “Fran.” ADD 1 lb for every second under 2 minutes.
e.g., Fran = 2:07, C&J = 275, TOTAL = 268


  1. Def a day of weaknesses! These can only get better.
    1. 75# F at 80, not feeling strong today and couldn't seem to get my body going.
    2. 95# F at 100, darn it!
    3. Done
    4. Fran 6:42 had to do banded pullups; max clean and jerk 95#. Total score would be a negative unfortunately -187

  2. 1. Working on form
    2. 225#
    3. Done
    4. 3:40 Fran, 185# C&J… TOTAL=45
