Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday 11.26.13

The Coach B

1. For Time
4 Rounds
50 Double Unders
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
(add deficit if these are easy for you)
Rest 2 minutes
*I know you did some C2B yesterday, hopefully 40 didn't kill you

2. Snatch
20 minutes to build to 97-100%

10 Reps 135/75
watch the video

3. Power Clean + Jerk
1-1-1 @ 87%
Rest 2-3 minutes between

4. Front Squat
3-3-3 @ 87%
Rest as needed


  1. 1. 15:09 (PU w/ DB row instead of C2B, 1 handed KB SP 53#)
    2. 1 handed KB Snatch practice 88# KB
    3. Hip mobility
    4. wrist mobility
    5. 295#

  2. 1. 11:21 struggled today. Did Sgl skips 100s, banded c2b, strict HSPU.
    2. Only got to 70#
    3. At 75#
    4. 95#
    5. Did back squat not realizing at 135
    6. Front squat at 115

  3. 1. 18:27
    2. 225#
    3. Done
    4. 275-275-300

  4. 1. 22:52
    2. 95
    3. Done
    4. 125
    5. 115

  5. 1. 16:42 4" deficit
    2. got up to 225
    3. 245#
    4. dnd
