Friday, November 8, 2013

Saturday 11.9.13

Like this but just above the knee. Feet under the bar, hamstrings tight, push the bar back to your hips as you pull

1. Snatch from blocks
1-1-1-1-1 @ 85%

2. Power Clean + Hang Clean
1 RM

3. For Time
3 Rounds
2 Rope Climbs
4 Clean & Jerk 225/155
6 Deficit HSPU 6"


  1. 1. Concentrated on vertical chin. 55#
    2. Started with 65 & increased by 5#s to 90#. Failed hang clean 3 times at 95#
    3. 85# for c&j strict HSPU as best as possible. 9:34
    Also did 5-5-5 of squat snatch with 45# to work on speed thru middle and form.

  2. 1. Worked on pull w/ 75-95lb
    2. 135
    3. 15:05 @ 135lb, went from 6" to 4" to 2"

  3. 1. Hang snatch @85
    2. 130
    3. 13:34 125lbs normal HSPU

  4. 1. Hang snatch @85
    2. 130
    3. 13:34 125lbs normal HSPU

  5. 1. Light Snatch, mobility
    2. 225#
    3. 9:07 scaled @ 155#
