Sunday, August 11, 2013

Monday 8.12.13

Just giving you guys a heads up. All these percentages are leading somewhere. Don't start maxing out of impatience. Keep working hard and focusing on quality.

1. Hang Snatch
3-3 @ 73%
2-2 @ 73%

2. EMOM for 10
Odd: 2 Jerks @ 82%
Even: 5 Clean Pulls @ 80%
There are two shortish pieces of 2x8 in the shower room that I want you to stand on for clean pulls. Like skis. you will be 1.5" up

3. Squat
3-3-3-3-3 @ 88%

4. Weighted Situps
25-25-25 with 45/35 lb

5. 10 Rft
5 Power Snatch 135/95
10 Push Ups


  1. 1. 185
    2. 235, 255 (miscalculated)
    3. 395
    5. 7:11
    4. Done

  2. 1. 65
    2. 115, 115
    3. 115
    4. Done
    5. 10:43 65#

  3. 1. 90
    2. 120/115
    3. 175
    4. Done
    5. DND

  4. 1) 125,125
    2)185, 135
    3) 315
    4) 3x 25 w/45
    5) 15:39

  5. 1. 85
    2. 115#
    3. 145#
    4. Done
    5. 14:49 (75#)
