Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday 10.4.13

not work and family safe

1. Close Grip Bench
ie correct grip bench press. This is same width as pushups. Elbows down not flared. 
Find Max
focus on acquiring humongous triceps. if you think it they will come 

2. Good Mornings
wide stance don't be greedy

3. Weird Shit
3 rounds
Minute 1: 15 Sledgehammer strikes right
Minute 2: 15 Sledgehammer strikes left
Minute 3: Max rep strict parallette HSPU
they are in the closet, like most of you, sledge must pass behind the frontal plane and above the head with hips reaching full extension. hit the tire

4. For Time
If you didn't do the WoD Wednesday, make it up, if you did do it move to number 5

5. 3 Giant Sets
10 GHR's
12 Strict TTB
6 Pendlay Rows Heavy as possible