You will not be seeing percentages as often moving forward. Learn to use this chart. This does not apply to complexes like 1 and 2 below. For complexes you need to let go of your ego and do the heaviest possible wight you can do with good technique. For strength lifts however it is useful. ie squats deadlifts presses, jerks, full snatch, and full clean. The way I use this chart for example is suppose we were doing 10 x 1 squats. That's 10 total. I will look at the chart all the way on the right. We see that ten is only in the bottom 2 columns, the 80-90% and the 90+. Then I will ask myself is this a lift where my form and technique is rock solid and I just need to strengthen it, or am I struggling with form. If it is something I'm solid at, I'm looking at the higher percentage option (90+). If it is something I am struggling with, the lower (80-90.) I will help you guys get familiar with this as we go but don't get too caught up in it. It is pretty much what you would do anyway even without seeing it written out but it can be helpful if you aren't sure.
1. Snatch Complex
7x1 Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch (3 second pause at bottom of catch) + Snatch Balance
Rest 1:30
2. C&J Complex
OTM x 6
6x1 Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
3. Box Squats click it
Watch the part on box squats. He mentions the type where you completely rest on the box disengaging the hip flexors only and breaking up the eccentric/concentric chain. That's what I want. Don't rock, just let the "quads" relax before returning to standing. Practice light first. box height should be just slightly below parallel. Think a 12 incher with a plate.
4. Gymnastic Skill
3 Rounds not for time
10 Strict ring dips
10 Strict parallel ring rows
10 Strict GHD situps
5. For Time
"Ricky Rozay"
3 Rft
Run 800m
15 Lateral Box Jump Overs 24/20