Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday 11.1.13

sweet Jesus

1. For Time
Deficit HSPU 4"
Deadlift (235/145)

2. Goat Work/Mobility
20 min

3. For Time
10 rounds
5 KB Squat Clean Thrusters 53/35
5 Box Jumps 30/24

4. For Time
Baby Flight Simulator
2 Rounds
10-20-30-20-10 Double Unders
Do 10 20" box jumps in the dashes
***set must be completed unbroken in order to move on
Masters do double the singles so 20-40-60 and so one but only 10 box jumps in the dashes

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday 10.31.13

These cats are nearly as mobile as Coach Nicholas

1. Recover

Row 1000 z3 pace (convo pace)
5 min Lower body mobility
Airdyne 50 calories z3 pace
5 min Upper body mobility
Run 800m z3 pace
10 minute foam roller hump

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday 10.30.13

If you are prepping for Ragin (and even if you aren't) you should plan some active recovery and mobilization tomorrow

1. For Time
Pullups/Chest to Bar/Bar Muscle ups
GHD situps
*yes I want you to run back and forth

2. Goats
Spend 20 min @ low intensity with one mobility goat and one technique goat (these are often related)
***think Double Unders, Handstand Walks, Pistols, Standing up Straight, Writing in cursive.....

3. Run
Sprint 100 meters
Run 700 meters @ 65%
Sprint 200 meters
Run 600 meters @ 65%
Sprint 400 meters
Run 400 meters @ 65%
Run 800 meters

***this isn't for time, don't fuckin sherm it

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday 10.29.13

Sweatshirts are available for pre-order. Check the mainsite.

1. EMOM in 30
Odd: 5 Front Squats 155/105, max burpees
Even: 1 Snatch
***score is burpees

2.  Bear Complex Ladder
Warm up as needed then begin with 75% and add 10# every minute. 
Continue as long as possible.  If you miss you are done - treat this like a competition ladder. Use Push Press not Jerk version.

3.  Front Squat 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday 10.28.13

1. Snatch Complex
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch, work up to max set

2. Snatch Balance

3. AMRAP in 8
20 Overhead Squats (95/65lb.)
20 Pull-Ups
20 Overhead Squats (135/95lb.)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
20 Overhead Squats (165/105lb.)
20 Muscle-Ups
Max Overhead Squats (185/115lb.)

4. Airdyne
4 x 30cal, on the 3 minute

Friday, October 25, 2013

Saturday 10.26.13

Have The Heart of the Bear Today

1. Snatch
*Set 1 - 60% x 3 reps
*Set 2 - 70% x 2 reps
*Set 3 - 75% x 2 reps
*Set 4 - 80% x 1 rep
*Set 5 - 85% x 1 rep
*Set 6 - 90+% x 1 rep
*Set 7 - 95+% x 1 rep
*Set 8 - 95+% x 1 rep
Rest as needed between sets.

2. Clean & Jerk
*Set 1 - 60% x 3 reps
*Set 2 - 70% x 2 reps
*Set 3 - 75% x 2 reps
*Set 4 - 80% x 1 rep
*Set 5 - 85% x 1 rep
*Set 6 - 90+% x 1 rep
*Set 7 - 95+% x 1 rep
*Set 8 - 95+% x 1 rep
Rest as needed between sets.

3. Back Squat
*Set 1 - 60% x 3 reps
*Set 2 - 70% x 2 reps
*Set 3 - 75% x 2 reps
*Set 4 - 80% x 1 rep
*Set 5 - 85% x 1 rep
*Set 6 - 90+% x 1 rep
*Set 7 - 95+% x 1 rep
*Set 8 - 95+% x 1 rep
Rest as needed between sets.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Friday 10.25.13

Rocky vs the russian. CF Games 2014

1. Five sets for times of:
Row 30 Calories
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Sandbag Cleans 3 fillers/2 fillers
Rest 2 minutes
**record each time

2. Romanian Deadlift

3. Rowing
Max Calories in 2 minutes
rest 2 minutes
Max Calories in 2 minutes

4. For time
3 sets max plank hold on elbows
**record each time

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thursday 10.24.13

1. Active Sherm

20-45 minute light movement followed by stretching. This will place you ahead of the game for tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wednesday 10.23.13


y'all will have to be mindful of the bars today as the class will be needing a lot of them

1. For Time
Upward Ladder
3-3-3, 5-5-5, 7-7-7, 9-9-9, 11-11-11
Front Squats 135/95
Push Press 135/95
***between increasing sets you will overhead farmer's carry your bar out to the sidewalk and back. So after finishing your set of 3 push press, farmer's carry. After finishing your set of 5 push press farmer's carry and so. Upon completing your farmer's walk following your set of 11 push press you will proceed to do either of the 3 things below, whichever is the most difficult but doable for you.
13 burpee muscle-ups
13 burpee pull ups

2. Hi Hang Snatch
**light and fast
* yes squat. everything is squat unless it says power

3. Clean & Jerk Complex
hi-hang squat clean with 3 sec pause in front squat + jerk
***work up to moderate ie no failing

4. Back Squat
6-6-6 across

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday 10.22.13

Hey, you guys need to be rolling warming up and mobilizing every day. Check the main site for mobility WoDs when we have them and ask if you need some. Don't wait for an injury. Ain't nobody got time for no injuries.

1. Hops 
On the tallest box possible:
6 rounds
1 box jump
rest 10 seconds
1 box jump
rest 2:30

2. Deadlift

3. For Time
Run 1 mile
60 Pullups
Run 1 mile

4. EMOM in 12
Odd: Row 200m
Even: 12 GHD situps

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday 10.22.13


1. Snatch
EMOM to Failure
Start with 60% max snatch
Add 10 lbs each rep til you don't hit within the minute.

2. Sherm Bear Complex
find 1 rep max
Clean + Front Squat + shoulder to overhead + back squat + behind the neck to overhead 
***can be a squat clean, can use a jerk

3. For Time
30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall balls 20/14
3 Handstand push-ups
1 Power Clean 225/135

1 Burpee

Friday, October 18, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday 10.18.13

Peep This on comp nutrition. Eat your sweet potatoes today to prefill glycogen stores for tomorrow. Drink WATER!!!

At some point if possible, do Bulletproof Shoulder with the class

1. Deadlift
8-8-8 across

2. For Time
3 Rounds
5 Power Snatch 135/85
10 Overhead Squats 135/85
15 Chest to Bar

3. Rope Sled Pulls
3 sets
Watch This
choose a sled and a weight you can do with minimal rests. 1 long rope full length is one set

4. For Time
2 Rounds
Run 800m
Rest 3min
Run 400m 
Rest 2min
Run 200m
Rest 1min

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wednesday 10.16.13

Deep South Competitors only do number 1

1. For Time
"Deep South Chipper"
For time:
50 Toes-to-Bar
40 Wallball Shots 20/14
30 Deadlifts 275/185
20 burpee box jumps 30/24
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400m sandbag run
1 Burpee
***Listen, if you are competing this weekend and don't think you can recover fully from this by Saturday, do 30-30-20-20-10 instead.

2.  Snatch Skills
5 x 5 Squat Snatches, TnG, OTM at 60% - 

3. Clean and Jerk Skills
5 x Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks

4. Jumping Good Mornings
*mind your back, don't get greedy

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday 10.14.13

Get ready baby

1. For Time
Row 1000m
100 Double Unders
50 Pistols

2. For Distance
3 x Max Effort HS Walk

3. Squat

4. For Time
Cleans 135/95 (power)
Ring Dips
****non-competitors only

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monday 10.13.13

Drink water, rest well, mind your injuries, mobilize your trouble spots, fish oil, Paleo, work you double unders, pistols, HS walks. You are ready.

1. For Time
Run 800m
Max rep Squat Snatch 165/95
8 min cap

2. For Time
30 Muscle-Ups

3. For Distance
3 max attempts Handstand Walks

4. For Calories
10 min Airdyne
30 sec on
30 sec rest

5. 150 Double unders

Friday, October 11, 2013

Saturday 10.11.13

Compare your scores on the fittest games website

1. FG #4
4 Minute AMRAP:
-10 Pull-ups
-10 Overhead Squats @ 95/65
*If four rounds (80 reps) are completed within the 4 minutes, the athlete may advance. 
4 Minute AMRAP:
-10 Pull-ups
-10 Front Squats @ 135/95
 *If eight rounds (160 reps) are completed, within the 8 minutes, the athlete may advance.
4 Minute AMRAP:
-10 Pull-ups
-10 Back Squats @ 185/125
 *The WOD will end at 12 minutes. If an athlete reaches twelve rounds (240 reps) before the 12-minute cap, they will continue to perform AMRAP of 10 pull-ups and 10 back squats until their 12 minutes are up.

***Rest as long as you need to between. Eat some carbs.

2. FG #3
3 rounds
15 TTB
15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85
15 Burpee over Bar (may step over)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Friday 10.11.13

1. Romanian Deadlift

2. Turbo Sled Pulls
8 reps Max Distance w/ Bodyweight
Rest 2 minutes.
use the butcher and the straps off the sherm sled and the measuring wheel. You only score the distance covered in a RUN. Max is until your run becomes a walk. 

3. For Time
Row 500m
3 rounds of:
10m Handstand walk
10 pistols
Row 500m
row is a buy in buy out format. You will row twice altogether. the 3rd set of 10 changes each round. First round is Muscle-ups, second is bar muscle ups, third is chest to bar.

4. Core
3 rounds
1min weighted plank hold (pushup position)
rest 2min

Thursday 10.10.13

1. Active Sherm

20-45 minute light movement followed by stretching. This will place you ahead of the game for tomorrow.

2. Meditate on how ridiculously hard tomorrow is going to be

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday 10.9.13

1. Snatch Complex
"Jon North"
E3MOM for 12 min
1 full snatch + 4 hi hang snatch
light and fast

2. C&J Complex
Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

3. Jumping Squats

4. AMRAP in 10
3 strict HSPU
1 Rope Climb
10 Burpees to target (app 6 in)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tuesday 10.8.13

1. Hops
3 sets escalating box course
setup 4 boxes of increasing height ending with a max. On off on off on off....etc.
guys recommended 20, 24, 30, 40. don't get hurt be smart

2. Glute Ham raises
10-10-10 weighted if possible

3. For Time
Run 400m
21 Hang Cleans 135/95
Run 400m
15 Power Cleans 185/125
Run 800m
9 Squat Cleans 205/155
Rest 5 min
5 minutes to
Find max clean
***score is time minus max rep lbs in seconds
4. Row

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday 10.7.13

Thank you everyone who came out, participated, and helped this weekend!

1. For Time
2 rounds
30 Double-unders
5 Bar Muscle-ups

2. Snatch Complex
3 position Snatch bottom to top (full+hang+hi-hang)
1-1-1-1 across

3. Clean & Jerk Complex
Power clean + Push Jerk
1-1-1-1-1 ascending
1-1-1-1-1 across

4. Back Squat
5-5-5-5-5 @ 80%

5. For Time
10- Power Snatch 135/95
20- Pull Ups
30- Box Jumps 24/20
40- KB snatch (alt) 53/35
30- Box Jumps 24/20
20- Chest to Bar
10- Power Snatch 135/95

Friday, October 4, 2013

Saturday 9.5.13

If you are doing Heroes, which would be awesome, substitute it the first WoD listed below

Fittest Games Lottery

1. For Time
30 Wall Balls @ 20/14#
30 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
30 Wall Balls @ 20/14#
20 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
30 Wall Balls @ 20/14#
10 Power Cleans @ 185/125#
*All wall-ball shots (male & female) to a 10’ target.
**12-minute time cap.

***if you can, rest 1-2 hours between
2. For Time
In 10 minutes:
-Double Unders
-American Kettlebell Swings @ 24/16Kg
With any time remaining, the athlete will complete AMRAP: Muscle Ups.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday 10.4.13

not work and family safe

1. Close Grip Bench
ie correct grip bench press. This is same width as pushups. Elbows down not flared. 
Find Max
focus on acquiring humongous triceps. if you think it they will come 

2. Good Mornings
wide stance don't be greedy

3. Weird Shit
3 rounds
Minute 1: 15 Sledgehammer strikes right
Minute 2: 15 Sledgehammer strikes left
Minute 3: Max rep strict parallette HSPU
they are in the closet, like most of you, sledge must pass behind the frontal plane and above the head with hips reaching full extension. hit the tire

4. For Time
If you didn't do the WoD Wednesday, make it up, if you did do it move to number 5

5. 3 Giant Sets
10 GHR's
12 Strict TTB
6 Pendlay Rows Heavy as possible

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thursday 10.3.13

1. Aerobic Restoration
Jog/walk, swim, row 20 minutes light. 

2. Mobility
Work your trouble spots

3. Sherm
Physiologically, rest allows the body to learn from and adapt to the recent physical stress, repair muscles, rebuild, and be stronger and better adapted for the next WOD. In CrossFit we believe that in relative intensity and work to dial in our athletes' workouts to an intensity level that hovers in the "hard but doable" realm. The result is an adaptation that continuously tips the athlete toward stronger, more skilled, and faster. The crazy part is that this adaptation takes place during the rest and recovery period, not during the workout! Too much intensity or too little recovery blunts the adaptation creating an athlete that is headed toward plateau rather than continuous improvement. 

4. Write a Sonnet
Prosody a poem, properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea, or sentiment, of 
14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, with rhymes arranged according to one of certain 
definite schemes, being in the strict or Italian form divided into a major group of 8 lines (the 
octave) followed by a minor group of 6 lines (the sestet), and in a common English form into quatrains followed by a couplet.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday 10.2.13

Can you beat him?

1.  Big Clean Complex
3 sets of:
3 Position Squat Clean + Push Press +
3 Position Squat Clean + Push Jerk +
3 Position Squat Clean +Split Jerk
1 set consists of all 12 reps without dropping the bar.

2.  Squats
7-7-7-7 same weight across

3. Each for Time
10 rounds
Run 200m
Rest the remainder of the 2 minutes

4. For Time
2 rounds
12 OHS, 135/95
12 Burpees
9 Power Snatches, 135/95
9 Burpee Box Jumps, 20"
6 Squat Snatches, 135/95
6 Burpee C2B

If you have to skip something today, skip the Metcon