Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wednesday 10.23.13


y'all will have to be mindful of the bars today as the class will be needing a lot of them

1. For Time
Upward Ladder
3-3-3, 5-5-5, 7-7-7, 9-9-9, 11-11-11
Front Squats 135/95
Push Press 135/95
***between increasing sets you will overhead farmer's carry your bar out to the sidewalk and back. So after finishing your set of 3 push press, farmer's carry. After finishing your set of 5 push press farmer's carry and so. Upon completing your farmer's walk following your set of 11 push press you will proceed to do either of the 3 things below, whichever is the most difficult but doable for you.
13 burpee muscle-ups
13 burpee pull ups

2. Hi Hang Snatch
**light and fast
* yes squat. everything is squat unless it says power

3. Clean & Jerk Complex
hi-hang squat clean with 3 sec pause in front squat + jerk
***work up to moderate ie no failing

4. Back Squat
6-6-6 across


  1. 1. 47:28
    2. 115
    3. Worked up to 215
    4. 225

  2. We did repeated sets of Burpees, fr squats, n push press for 3-3-3, etc until we got to 9s before realizing this was incorrect. Oh well, just got more work in. Finished with Burpees pullups. Used 65# for wod time 34:36.
    2. Used training bar n 15 plates to work lt n fast. Felt great! Getting better at squat snatch even though it's still very lt weight.
    3. C & j complex with 65, just pooped from wod.
    4. Back squat with 95 to work on form.

  3. 1. 38:40 @135#
    2. Bar, mobility
    3. N/A
    4. 225
