Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday 11.1.13

sweet Jesus

1. For Time
Deficit HSPU 4"
Deadlift (235/145)

2. Goat Work/Mobility
20 min

3. For Time
10 rounds
5 KB Squat Clean Thrusters 53/35
5 Box Jumps 30/24

4. For Time
Baby Flight Simulator
2 Rounds
10-20-30-20-10 Double Unders
Do 10 20" box jumps in the dashes
***set must be completed unbroken in order to move on
Masters do double the singles so 20-40-60 and so one but only 10 box jumps in the dashes


  1. 1. 13:59 (Sets 10, 9 and most of 8 @ 4" then the rest @ 2")
    2. Wallballs; 4 sets of 10 unbroken
    3. 9:06 25lb
    4. 14:14 ugh

  2. 1. 17:15 had to do HSPU with 25# and abmat. Deads rx'd HSPU got tough!
    2. DUs I seem to have regressed
    3. 16:01 used 26# then 18# and 20" box
    4. 5:39 as masters
