Warm-Up –
10 T2B
10 Clap Push Ups
Run 300m
10 BB push jerks
10 BB split jerks
20 pass throughs
20 around the worlds
5 minutes of peanut rolling
10 T2B
10 Clap Push Ups
Run 300m
10 BB push jerks
10 BB split jerks
20 pass throughs
20 around the worlds
5 minutes of peanut rolling
Work up to max weight for the complex:
1 Push-Jerk
1 Split-Jerk
Work up to max weight for the complex:
1 Push-Jerk
1 Split-Jerk
Ground to Overhead (115,80)
Toes to Bar
Ground to Overhead (115,80)
Toes to Bar
I've been following this for quite some time now and just PR'ed on my Mid Bar Back Squat