Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday 6.27.13

I swear to God if I found out any of you are taking this, you're done. I've contacted my insurance provider and despite all my efforts at haggling and negotiating, they have firmly refused to cover the potential damage caused by "explosive workouts." I mean just use some common sense guys. We work out in groups. I can't have workouts exploding all over the place. This is a liability. I mean I think we all agree that someone's workout exploding next to you while you are on the 15 thruster round of of Fran would be mildly distracting. Perhaps if they come out with C4 "Not as Extreme," Or C3 "Just a little tingly," we can lift the restriction.

1. Clean 
Across app. 80%
Heavy as technique will allow with no misses, if you miss go down.

2. Snatch
Across app. 80%
Heavy as technique will allow with no misses, if you miss go down. These should build confidence.

3. Front Squat

4. For Time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Jerks 205/135
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Pullups

5. For Calories
Row 1 min
Rest 1 min
Row 2 min
Rest 2 min
Row 2 min
Rest 2 min 
Row 1 min


  1. 1. 225
    2. 135
    3. 205
    4. 19:58
    5. 146 calories

  2. 1. 130
    2. 105
    3. 115
    4. 23:11 @ 115
    5. 88 cal

  3. 1. 275
    2. 195
    3. 225
    4. 16:43 BTN Jerk
    5. 150 Calories

  4. 1. 120
    2. 100
    3. 115
    4. 18:58 @ 95 awful
    5. --
