Monday, June 24, 2013

Tuesday 6.25.13

Those are 400lb plates.

1. BTN Jerk
3-3-3-3-3 @70% of Jerk

2. Push Press
EMOM in 10min
Even: 5 Push Press @ 75%
Odd: 10 Chest to Bar
1 Burpee

3. For Time
Max Set of Unbroken Muscle Ups
Row 1000m - ( # of Muscle ups x 100m)
Continue until 20 Muscle-ups are reached
1 Burpee
Example: If you do 8 MU's, you only row 200m. Next set you get 6, row 400m and so on till you accumulate 20 Muscle-ups.
***If you don't have muscle ups sub ring dips (Strict) if not then weighted bar dips, then just bar dips


  1. 1. 100
    2. 85
    3. 8/6/6 5:46 Josh had to instruct me how to be awesome.

  2. 1. 225, 245, 265, 275, 285 (front rack)
    2. 205#
    3. 15:38 (7,3,3,3,4) 2400m row
