Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wednesday 6.26.13

Fucking. Row. Faster. Cory.

Ladies....for today, add 10% to all prescribed percentages. Then we will have a soiree and discuss your feelings about that.

1. 3 position clean (floor, above knee, mid-thigh)
1-1-1-1-1 @65%
1 min. rest between sets

2. Hang snatch high-pull
3-3-3-3 @65% 
2 min. rest between sets
Focus on elbows high and outside, if you're loose at the top, reduce weight.

3. Snatch Balance
1RM then
2-2-2 @75%

4. 3 Giant Sets
12 Strict TTB
12 KB side bends ea side

5. For Time
Wall Balls 20/14
Box Jumps 24/20

1 Burpee 


  1. 1. 105
    2. 90
    3. 135 - 115
    4. Done- 53#
    5. 9:27

  2. 1. 105
    2. 85
    3. 125 - 110 the first set, 105 the second and third set (failed on second rep of second set)
    4. 53 KB
    5. 9:08

  3. 1. 205-205-215-215-215
    2. 160
    3. didn't max. 205-205-205
    4. Done
    5. 7:50

  4. 1. 185
    2. 165
    3. 135 shermed
    4. Done
    5. 7:13
